I Will Complete You

I Am your beginning and I Am your end, and I Am your all in all, says the Lord. What I begin, I complete. What I have started will never be aborted. I will finish the good work that I have begun in you and perfect that which concerns you for My glory. I will not abandon My work in the midst of it, for you are My workmanship, and you are My handiwork. You will never be an incomplete. I will fulfill My purposes in you and bring you to a desired end, says the Lord.

The end is better than the beginning, for perfection is greater than the process of becoming that which I have authored and designed the blueprints of your very life, says the Lord. You will not have spots and wrinkles and blemishes, for I will sanctify you by My Spirit, cleanse you with My own blood, and wash you by My infallible word. You will be clean and pure and altogether lovely, even as I Am. For I will beautify you with My holiness and make you holiness unto Me. Your righteousness is of Me, and you are My lovely child that I will adorn and beautify with My glory that will be seen on you, says the Lord.

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