I Will Make a Way For You - Prophetic Light

I Will Make a Way For You

I will make a way for you where there is no way, says the Lord. For I will create a door. I will cause it to happen. For I can make something out of nothing with the sound of My voice. I will call it forth and form it. You will not need to do anything by your own efforts or try to figure it out in your mind, for My thoughts are higher than yours, and My ways are far superior. As you contemplate how things can work out, I will have already done it. I Am not restricted or subject to the mindsets of Man. I can harden and soften hearts, and move things, shake things, and remove obstacles out of the way, to clear the path ahead for you. Fret not. For all I want you to do is to stand still and see My salvation, says the Lord.

Be still and know that I Am your God in the midst of you, says the Lord. I Am in control of things that seem out of control for you. Nothing is difficult for Me, and all is under My authority. Be quiet and confident in Me, for you do not have to shout to get My attention. I see the hidden man of the heart, know your deepest, unspoken cries, and know the very thoughts that you think. I know your silent pain, and I will take care of the things that you have no ability to change or affect. I will do this for the honor and glory of My own name, because you belong to Me, says the Lord.

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