I Will Perform My Word - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Perform My Word

I Am never tardy, says the Lord. I Am an on-time God. There is no power that can stay My hand. There is no power that can delay My coming. There is no force that can keep Me from acting on your behalf, even as I have spoken and decreed. Will I declare a thing and not perform it? Didn’t I already count the cost? Didn’t I already know everything that would endeavor to oppose you? Wasn’t I aware of your own unbelief, your own disobedience, your own distractions, your own enemies when I proclaimed My Word over your life? I know every step that you will take in advance, and I know the end from the beginning, and My Words will not fall to the ground concerning you, says the Lord.

I will perform My Word, My Work, My will, My way, My thoughts, My plans to the jot and tittle of what I have spoken, says the Lord. Your total care and future is in My hands that created you for My purpose and My pleasure. I cannot annul My infallible Word or abort My plans. I will speak, and it will happen, just as I said, “Let there be light,” and there was. I Am unchanging in purpose, and My will shall be performed to perfection, even as I have spoken, and I will complete My good work in you that I have begun, to perfection, for you are My workmanship, you are My beloved servant, you are My chosen, and I Am your God, says the Lord.

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