I Will Restore Comforts - Prophetic Light

I Am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord. I Am the restorer of your soul. I Am the Creator, and I Am the source of your life. I will restore My comforts unto you. I will restore health onto all your flesh. I will renew your strength and cause you to arise and walk in the light of My glory. You are not bound, but you are free. I will cause you to soar as on winds of eagles, and you will be elevated far above the storm clouds and enter into the glory of My presence, says the Lord.

Come up higher, and see what you have not seen before, says the Lord. For as I Am far above every dominion and every storm and everything, you are seated in heavenly places with Me that is also far above. Your position in Me is that of power and authority, and the evil one is under your feet. Do not fear him, but become a terror to him. He is not over you but under you, and you have no need to fret about what he is doing or devising. I have made you to tread upon him and placed you as a ready-equipped soldier in My army. Your weapons of warfare are superior and mighty in Me and cannot be out-powered by the enemy. Use what I have given you and overwhelm the darkness by My light in you and let the sword of My word proceed out of your mouth. Rise up and be the violent warrior that I have positioned and empowered you to be and push back the kingdom of darkness with the light of My glory, and conquer the land of promise for My kingdom that is without end, says the Lord.

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