Let My Word Become You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Let My Word Become You

My Word is infallible, says the Lord. Will you believe in the words of mere man that perishes, but will not trust in Mine that is eternal? Know Who I Am! I cannot lie. I cannot change, I cannot fail. I cannot be manipulated. I cannot be bought. I cannot be controlled. I cannot be stopped! I Am good for My Word, and I watch over it to perform it, always, and I will perform it for whoever will  believe, says the L

Let My Word become your word and let it become you, says the Lord. For I create with My mouth, and you were formed for My pleasure. I Am pleased with your faith, and transformed you to be like Me. Let your faith be the rule that you follow, as you lean on what is everlasting, and trust in that which cannot fail, and become the living vessel of honor that I have purposed you to be, that I can use for My glory. Let Me announce before My holy angels that you are My beloved child, in whom I Am will pleased, as you walk in unwavering faith and trust in Me and My unfailing Word, says the Lord.

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