Do not fret, says the Lord. For I have everything in control. Though you do not have control of the things that are troubling you, I do! Frustration is not My prescription for you. I will take care of the big things and the small things as well. Entrust them to Me. You need not try to handle them yourself. I Am your caregiver, and I will take care of you. Nothing is hidden from Me, and there is nothing beyond My ability. I will give you peace and restfulness, as you relinquish the control of your life to Me, says the Lord.

Come into My presence, and eat and drink at My table, says the Lord. You will be refreshed, and I will give you everything that you need. Come hungry and thirsty. Empty yourself out, so that I can fill you. You will not go away empty, but fully furnished and equipped for every good work that I have assigned you to do. I will satisfy the longing of your heart, and give you your highest heart’s desire, and you will be filled with joy and gladness, says the Lord.

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