You have done everything that you can do, says the Lord. You have cried. You have prayed. You have fasted. You have fought a good fight. You have engaged in warfare against the enemy. You have paced the floor. You have lost sleep. You have been anxious. You have clenched your fists in prayer. You have been relentless, and you are weary. Yet you have not seen any change. You are becoming weary with the battle, and do not know what else you can do. You are questioning what you are now to do, says the Lord. Just stand!

Hold fast your position of faith and trust in Me, as you wait on Me to act, says the Lord. For it is not about what you can do, but what I will do. Trust in Me when nothing is moving, nothing is changing, nothing is happening, and your circumstances have not improved. Believe in Me when the battle rages, and the odds against you are great. Do not give up when the enemy appears to be winning, and you feel out-numbered. Stand in Me, for you are complete in Me. The enemy is not stronger than Me, and He cannot defeat Me. I Am with you in the battle, and there is none other beside Me. Stand in simple, child-like, dependent faith and trust in Me, that I have everything in My control, I Am with you, and you will see the victory, even though you have become weary as the battle rages on. I Am your refuge and strength. I Am your life. I Am your destiny. I Am your purpose, and I Am the Sovereign. You can confidently rest in Me, as you wait on Me to act in your behalf. You have done everything that you can do. Now, stand in Me, and trust in Me at all times, says the Lord.

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