I will command My blessings on you, says the Lord. They will rain down. You will be blessed to be a blessing. For My blessings are not burdensome, and they are without sorrow. You will be joyful in My presence, as I fill you to capacity and overflowing with My Spirit. I will give you grace and glory, and cause you to ascend in My presence and power and glory. You will be fully satisfied with what I have poured into you, and you will become a conduit of My Spirit, says the Lord.

As you have sought Me, you shall find Me, says the Lord. For I have heard the cry of your heart, and will answer you. Your midnight hour is over, as this is the dawning of a new day. My light shall be seen in you, and My glory shall surround you. I will use you for My glory, and you will rejoice, as you bear precious fruit for My kingdom, and reap a bountiful harvest, says the Lord.

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