Be patient unto My coming, says the Lord. I will come on the scenes of your life. I will show up in glory and splendor. I will come to your aid and rescue. I will come to you in power and authority. I will come to you and revive you, renew you, strengthen you, uplift you, advance you. I will come to beautify you with My glory. I will come to honor you and bless you. I will come to answer your prayer. I will come to you! Wait on Me patiently, for surely, I will visit you, and you will not be disappointed that you waited upon Me, says the Lord.

Your hope in Me is not futile, but alive, says the Lord. Activate your faith, and trust that I will show up, and bring with Me the desires of your heart. You will delight in the gifts that I will bestow upon you, and rejoice in Me. I will not leave you clueless, for I Am your miracle. I Am your deliverer. I Am your source. I Am your helper. I Am your  God! I will do more than you asked, more than you expected, more than you dreamed, as you trust in Me, and wait on Me. I will come in power and glory, for I Am the sovereign, and there is nothing that I cannot and will not do for you, as you trust in Me, and wait for Me, says the Lord.

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