Nothing takes Me by surprise, says the Lord. I know the end from the beginning. When I told My disciples to go on the other side of the sea, I knew that a sudden storm would occur, making it impossible for them to do so. I know every storm in your life that will threaten you and try to detain you and keep you from your destiny. Just as I was with My disciples of old, I Am with you now. I will bring peace to you, and calm the winds of adversity, and bring you safely to the other side, says the Lord.
Audio/video version:
Trust in Me at all times, says the Lord. The storms that test you cannot destroy you, as you recognize that I Am with you to bring you through every one of them. What is impossible for you is not impossible for Me. I will quiet your fears, and as suddenly as the storm arose against you, it will cease. I will not only still the storms that are without, but I will quiet those within you, and give you My peace, and reassure you that I Am with you, and all shall be well, says the Lord.
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