The Best Reserved for the Last - Prophetic Light Prophecies

The Best Reserved for the Last

Don’t worry about your losses, says the Lord. Look forward to what you will gain. For what was is nothing compared to what will be. Do not lament about what you thought should have been, for what will be for you is much better. I always preserve the best until last, and the latter will be greater than the former for you. Can you believe this, I ask? Can you trust that the best is yet to come? For the former things were just a shadow of the things that are to come, and you will not miss them, as I give you new and unexpected things that await you, says the Lord.

Your walk of faith and trust in Me is never back-tracking, says the Lord. Let go of regrets and let the dead things of the past bury the dead, as you go on to life and living in Me! For I will give you light and life, and it is never insufficient, but abundant. You will be fat and full of My blessings and enriched by things that cannot be extracted from you. Look beyond your pain and losses and see that the hidden treasures prepared for your discovery that are aheyad. Just wait and see, for I have only good things in store for you, and you will not be depressed about what you left behind, and you will rejoice in the new things that I have prepared for you, for all who wait on Me and entrust their care to Me will never be disappointed, says the Lord.

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