My word is infallible, says the Lord. I cannot lie, and I never change My mind. What I say is the truth, and I will not go back on My promises to you. They will not disappear with the difficulties that you face. They will come to pass as you believe what I have spoken, as they are just as eternal as I Am. For My word is alive, and I will perform My Word. My word is My will, and My will is My work! You will see that there is no breach of promise, as the things that I have declared over you come to pass, says the Lord.

What I have spoken shall be done in you and for you and through you, says the Lord. For the vision that I have given you did not come from you, but Me. I gave you My vision, and I gave you the desire of My heart! I gave you My Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you into all truth. My word and will and way and plan are truth that endure, even as I do. You will embrace that which I have spoken as you place your faith and trust in Me and My infallible Word, and it will become your tangible reality, for I honor My Word, and I will fulfill it, according to My good will and plan and purpose in you, says the Lord.

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