
You Will Overcome

I Am for you and not against you, says the Lord. I Am faithfully on your side. The enemy sees Me as I have come alongside to help you and does not have the ability to defeat me. You cannot be overcome by the evil one, for I have already overcome him by My blood that was shed for you and My broken body on the cross. You will overcome by My blood and your faith in My finished work on the cross for you. You will be undefeated and not able to be overrun by the evil one. Trust that I Am with you always to cause you to always triumph in Me, says the Lord.

You will not just get by or barely defeat evil but with Me you will destroy the Works of the devil, says the Lord. You will not be a conqueror, but more than a conqueror. You will not just succeed, but you will blast through the enemy camp, and take a great spoil from him for My kingdom and glory. With Me, you will liberate the captives and set them free. You will press against the darkness, overtake the enemy, push him back, and take new territory for My kingdom and for My glory, says the Lord.

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