I am your comforter, says the LORD. When you need a shoulder to cry upon, I Am always there for you. Come and lay your head upon My shoulder and let Me wrap My arms of love around you. When no one seems to care about you, and no one is there to share your pain and sorrow, I always will. I understand you, and you will never have to explain to Me how you feel. I know your sorrow, I feel your pain, and bottle every tear that you shed, says the LORD.

I Am your GOD of all comfort, says the LORD. As I give you consolation, you will also sense My presence, as I give you joy for your sorrow. I will encapsulate you with My peace and wipe away your tears. You can tell Me everything and know that you have My undivided attention. I will give you the reassurance that you need as you rest in My care, as I soothe you, and shower you with the warmth of My unimpeachable Love, says the LORD.

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