Don’t attribute the difficulties that you are going through to Me, says the LORD. I Am not the author of them. The enemy is. He wants you to believe that I Am teaching you a lesson and punishing you for something that you did or something that you neglected to do. Don’t believe that lie. I Am your HEALER, and I do not inflict you so that I can rescue you. I will not weaken you so that I can empower you. I will not rob you so that I can give you justice. I will not push you down, and then lift you up. The evil one’s work is always against you, to steal, kill and destroy, says the LORD.

I have come to give you abundant life, not death, says the LORD. I Am your FRIEND, not an enemy. If your friend inflicts you, robs you, sickens you, and destroys you, can you consider that a trustworthy companion and counselor? I Am WONDERFUL, and I will be your Wonderful counselor, Your Wonderful Friend, Your Wonderful Healer, Your WONDERFUL strengthener, Your Wonderful Helper, Your Wonderful Deliverer, Your Wonderful provider, Your Wonderful Lord, and I will give you a WONDERFUL LIFE, as you place your faith and trust in Me at all times, says the LORD.

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