I have given you the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, and He will lead you into all truth, says the Lord. My Holy Spirit will always teach you about Me, and lead you TO ME. I Am the Way, the Truth and the LIFE. The truth will liberate you and set you free. There is no liberty in the lies of the enemy, and the path of deception will lead to destruction and death. That will never happen to My beloved, for I will always tell you the truth, always enlighten the Way, and lead you to Life by My SPIRIT that will never fail to guide you, says the LORD.
Be aware of seducing spirits, for they will endeavor to deceive even the very elect, says the LORD. But My truth endures forever, and I will establish you in MY TRUTH that will shield you, preserve you, and become you. For as I Am, so shall you be on earth. You will KNOW THE TRUTH, and the lies of the enemy will be exposed and disabled. My truth will prevail, and so will you. You will stand in it, in Me, and will not be cowardly, but bold as a lion, for you will already KNOW the outcome. Endurance comes from truth, and what is everlasting is just that: Everlasting! I have given you eternal gifts, eternal hope, eternal truth, eternal life, and the Spirit of TRUTH that is My gift to you, will never compromise you or entrap you, but liberate you, and you will move freely forward, unchained, unfettered, unattached to the darkness that can never defeat you, never destroy you, never change you. For I have set you free to be as I AM, the undefeated ones, shining lights, that will grow brighter and brighter, and be as a city, set on a hill that cannot be hid, says the LORD.