Do Not Fear

Why are you so fearful?  Where is your faith and trust in ME?  You are One with Me, hid in Me, enveloped by Me, undergirded in Me, founded in Me, and I am your covering, your sure place of safety, your security and your all in all, says the LORD.  I Am on your side, the One called along to help. I Am for you and not against you.  Do not fear what man can do onto you.  I am your shield and your rear guard.  There is nothing that can harm you or take you out of My hands.  Do not cast away your confidence in ME, but cast away all fear and doubt.  I Am your protector and your helper, and you can completely entrust everything that pertains to you onto Me.  There is no time that I will misplace your trust in ME.  I will not lose you, ignore you or disregard you.  You are unforgettable to Me. You are always on the forefront of My Mind, in My constant thoughts, sealed within My heart, and never out of my sight.  I have you at all times, to provision you and keep you safe.  Do not fear, says the LORD.

Let your heart rejoice that even in times of trouble you are never abandoned to care for yourself, says the Lord.  I will make a way of escape for you in every temptation and lead you to the shelter of My Own arms. I will carry you on My winds as an eagle carries her eaglets, and teach you to fly.  I will watch over you and feed you and take care of you always. There is no room for despair.  Trust in Me at all times, for I have you and all that pertains to you is in My hands and control. I will never have any unfinished business, and your life is My business.  You belong to Me, and you are never outside the ark of My safety as My beloved child.  Believe that I will take meticulous care of you, give you the desires of your heart, and give you far beyond what you have every dreamed of as you entrust me with your entire care, for I cannot and will not fail you, and I will cause you to be as I Am: unfailing, says the LORD.

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