He That Overcometh - Prophetic Light Sermon
He That Overcometh
June 27, 2019

He That Overcometh

Passage: Revelations 2, 3.

Bible Text: Revelations 2, 3. | Preacher: Prophet June Reinke | HE THAT OVERCOMETHThe truth is, that we suffer the same things that unbelievers do, because you are in this world, although not OF THIS WORLD (1 Pet. 5:9).
Many are the afflictions of the RIGHTEOUS (Psalm 3:19)
WE often believe that we should be exempt from the human suffering, the afflictions, the fiery trials of life, but in fact, we are NOT. The difference between the believer and the non-believer, is that OUR HELP COMES from the LORD. First of all, we have real HELP, from the Sovereign. Though we have MANY afflictions, we are delivered out of them all! We have the GREAT PHYSICIAN. It is a GOOD THING, for often vain is the help of man: even professionals. THEY have limits. GOD our Father and the LORD Jesus Christ, and the HOLY SPIRIT, (Triune GOD), are without limits.
As Peter said, it is not a strange thing to go through the fiery trials (1 Peter 4:12,13). Yes, we can hear ourselves often asking, “Why is this happening to ME! He is the LORD that heals us. If there is no heartbreak, no affliction, no disease, no problem then we would not need a HEALER! He is the Savior and LORD. We were lost and needed to be found. We were bound and needed to be set free. WE were hopeless and helpless, and without a clue, and He came alongside to rescue us, deliver us, give us hope and liberate us.
It is a daily walk of faith, a daily cross and the crown of life awaits us at the end of the way.

In Revelation chapter one and two we hear again and again, “He that overcometh…”. He is speaking to the CHURCHES, the believers! Take the time to reach these two chapters in full.
“He that overcometh, I will give to eat of the tree of live…(Rev. 2:7).
“He that overcometh will not be hurt of the second death (Rev. 2:11).
“To him that overcometh, I will give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in that stone, a new name…(Rev. 2:17),
“Him that overcometh, and keepeth My works unto the end, to him I will give power over the nations; …and I will give him the morning star… (Rev. 2:26,27).
“To him that overcometh , the same shall be clothed in white raiment, and I will not blot his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before My Father and His angels (Rev. 3:5).
“To him that overcometh, I will make a pillar in the temple of My GOD, and he shall no more go out, …and I will write upon him my new name (Rev. 3:12).
To Him that overcometh, I will grant to sit with me in my throw, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne (Rev. 3:21).
He that hath an ear, let Him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches (Rev 3:22).
Lastly, “And they overcame him (devil) by the blood of the Lamb, and the Word of their testimony, and loved not their lived, even unto death (Rev. 12:11).
Church, overcoming is not a ONE TIME thing, but a constant, daily decision and action of your faith. “For whosoever is born of GOD overcometh the World: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even your faith (1 John 5:).

Prophet June Reinke, propheticlignt.org

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