Be at Peace With Yourself - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Be at peace with yourself, says the LORD. You are the Work of My own hands, and I have formed you for MY pleasure. Be content with My handiwork and do not judge yourself to be unworthy. I have made you worthy by your faith in Me and the finished work on the cross, and My shed blood for you that cleanses you from all unrighteousness. It is your faith that positions yourself into My own body and makes you valuable. I Am the One Who will perfect everything that concerns you in Me, by My Spirit in you, and you will be a complete work of My grace and mercy that I have extended onto you because of your faith in what I have accomplished in you, says the LORD.

Be free of self-condemnation and be clear of pride, says the LORD. Neither of these are of Me, and I have no place for them to be in MY kingdom. Let neither one rule over you, but come into My presence humbly and receive My righteousness and holiness which are all you have as My gift to you. I have made you righteous in Me and you are clean and pure as I have sanctified you and made you a vessel of honor that is enabled to do the work of the ministry effectually and powerfully because of My SPIRIT that dwells in you, says the LORD.

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