Calm down, says the LORD. I will quiet your fears and give you peace of mind and heart as you trust in Me at all times. The storms of life will not destroy you, and they will pass. You will remain, untouched, as you weather every one of them, as you hold onto your faith in Me without wavering. Though everything around you is shifting, moving, changing, threatening, you will NOT be moved, when you are fixed, and firmly founded on ME and My unfailing Word, says the LORD.

You will be more than an overcomer, more than a conqueror in Me, says the LORD. Do not focus on the winds of adversity, but rather that winds of MY SPIRIT. Surely, I will breathe new life into you and guide you through the darkest storms. You will not go under, but go OVER into the promised land of blessing. I will not only calm the storm, but bring you into a quiet and peaceful place in My presence, where you will have plentiful provision and fullness of joy, says the LORD.

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