Forget about the past, says the LORD. It is not significant. Your now and forever is what counts, and from this day forward, I want you to focus on today and tomorrow and the eternal things of MY kingdom. When you look back and relive the pain that was, you are not receiving the healing and health that I have provided for you. The past is dead, and only that which is and will be counts. Do not let the past paralyze you, for it cannot dictate to you, direct you or destroy you if you refuse to allow it to become the direction that you go in. For you will go in the direction that your thoughts take you. WHY FOCUS ON THAT WHICH IS already history. It will not repeat itself. THE BEST is yet to come, and that which was is only a stepping stone for the good things to come. STEP on them, over them and move forward, says the LORD.
Your past sins are forgiven and cleansed by My own blood, as you confessed them to Me, says the LORD. I have forgotten them, so why are you remembering them? I have wiped them out of My record book, and you need to wipe them out of your mind. Dwell on My redemptive Work in You and rejoice that I Make ALL THINGS NEW for you. It does not require the things of the past for me to make things NEW, for I use all new materials. Press forward and see the good things that I have in store for you. For condemnation is not from Me, but the enemy, who wants you stuck in the mire of the past that I have already rescued you out of. You have everything to gain as you count all the past as lost and dung under your feet that you might obtain the BETTER things that I have in store for you, as I restore you, revive you and refresh you and USE you for MY Glory and give you the sufficiency of My grace to accomplish what is ahead of you, says the LORD.