I Keep My Promises - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am a Promise Keeper, says the LORD. What I do is always powerful, penetrating, life giving and good. Good is My Word that is
penetrating, powerful and productive. It will produce exactly what I have said. It will never be destroyed, altered or delayed. What I call forth will also be performed, for I never change My mind and My purposes will be established. I will establish My Word and WORK in your life, as you follow hard after Me and pursue My interests. Do not dictate, but conform to My image, pattern yourself after Me, and do what I have created you to do. Do not put your faith in your limitations but believe in My unlimited power and inexhaustible resources. I will use you for My glory and give you great grace and favor as you make Me your priority and interest. I will do much more than you could ever ask or think or imagine,and you will not fail to fulfill your good purposes in your life, as you put Me first in your life and entrust Me with your total care. Even as I have said that I would lead and guide you, I will make the path before you plain and simple and enlighten the way so that you will see clearly and not stumble nor fall, and I will give you good success as you allow Me to Work in your life to perfect that which concerns you and prepare you in every work that I gave created and called you to do, says the LORD.

Do not get ahead of Me or lag behind, for I will set the pace and give you My plan as you entrust your whole life and destiny onto Me, says the LORD. Be patient and wait on Me, and watch Me work, according to My Own times and seasons that I set forth. There is nothing that I author that I do not finish, and what I have begun will be finished, completed and perfected by Me, as you surrender everything to Me, and follow My lead as I give you more than enough and create doors for you that will be opened as you entrust your entire life to Me, and obey My still, small voice as you enter into intimate fellowship with Me and position yourself as a servant child that abandons yourself completely to Me and My perfect will for your life. Be assured of My love, My attention to you, and My faithfulness, as you follow My lead and patiently entrust your entire purpose and destiny to Me, now and always, says the LORD.

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