Look Forward - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Place your mind and focus on the future rather than dwelling upon the things that you regret about your past, says the LORD. For the past is gone, and you cannot redeem what does not exist. Redeeming the time is what you do with the present and the choices that you will make for your future. Let those visions come alive and drop the thoughts of past failures. Do not think defeat, but believe that I will give you new life, abundant blessings and GOOD success as you give attention to the things that are before you rather than waste your thoughts on what you believe should have been. JUST AS I AM, let your existence be powerful and positive as you look onto ME and fast forward your thoughts into HOPE that is filled with faith and trust in Me to give you the desires of your heart. For the best is yet to come, and what was is not your destiny and not your purpose and not your life. The past is dead and your future is bright and beautiful in ME.

Do not allow the enemy to destroy your vision or cloud it with dark thoughts and feelings that do not come from Me, says the LORD. I always have good thoughts about you, and good plans, so why not think as I DO rather than repeat after the enemy who never has anything good to say. Gloom and doom, fear and doubt is the way of darkness and leads to defeat. You are not of the darkness that I have taken you out of, and depression is NEVER from ME. LOOK UP. LOOK FORWARD, and GO FORTH from those dead things to the new beginning that I have for you that is powerful, productive, full of vitality and illuminating. Jump for joy, because the old things are passed away, and LOOK! I make all things NEW for YOU, says the LORD!

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