My Business is Exciting - Prophetic Light Prophecies

My business is not boring and mundane, says the LORD. It is exciting and uplifting. It is not busy work but compelling and fulfilling. You will delight yourself in Me, not bemoan the fact that you are My servant. You will be among the elect, privileged, called out ones, that will be as Isaiah, who said, “Send Me!” It will not be a drudgery to fulfill your purpose and destiny, but a joy and a pleasure, for your labor will not be vain in Me. I will be your exceeding, great reward for your labor of love for Me and My kingdom, says the LORD.

My willing servants will have a holy zeal for My house and I will energize them and renew their strength, says the LORD. They will go from strength to STRENGTH, as I empower them to bring in MY HARVEST. It indeed is My field, and My laborers will not lament that they are gathering the wheat into MY garners. For they will know that they are joint heirs with Me, and what they do will reap eternal rewards that cannot be extracted from them, in My kingdom that is without end, says the LORD.

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