Refreshing - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Refreshing comes from Me as you enter into My presence and rest in My promises that will be fulfilled for all who come to Me and believe in Me and My infallible Word, says the LORD. You will not have to make things happen. You are not responsible for creating, healing, transforming, delivering, fulfilling, or changing anything. I Am. Do not trust in what you can do, what you have done, or what you are able to do right now, for I want you to put your trust in ME to do all that you need Me to do, and to be everything that you need Me to be for you and those you love, says the LORD.

Place all your confidence in Me, who is always there for you in every situation, says the LORD. The difficulties that boggle your mind are NOT difficult for Me. Everything is an easy fix for ME, and you cannot even begin to imagine all the resources I have, that are inexhaustible. NOTHING is beyond Me, and you are not a problem for me. Your situations are all simple for Me to solve, so why don’t you just rest in My arms, and lean on Me? I will do the things that seem impossible and change the things that seem to be set in stone, and unearth the things that are buried, and bring them to light and life. Let your focus be on My presence and come and enjoy sweet fellowship with Me, for I have everything in My hands, My control and all is subject to My authority, says the Lord.

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