Safety and Shelter - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I will never afflict you so that I can deliver you, says the LORD. I will not sicken you so that I can heal you. I never weaken you so that you can be strengthened by Me. I will never impoverish you so that I can enrich you. I have never bound you and imprisoned you so that I can loose you and set you free, says the LORD.

The enemy wants you to focus your attention on your situations and away from Me, says the LORD. He wants you to be distracted and disoriented and fearful and disbelieving. He wants you to believe that I have authored and initiated the trials and tests and afflictions that you are going through. He is wanting to blame Me instead of knowing that he is the one who steals, kills, destroys, distracts and creates conflict, says the LORD.

I Am the One called alongside to HELP you, heal you, rescue you, deliver you, empower you and make a way of escape for you in any trouble that you encounter, says the Lord. I Am Your Savior and LORD, and you can be assured that My grace is sufficient for you, and My strength is made perfect in your weakness. I will be with you always, and be your comforter, protector, and GOOD shepherd that is your place of safety and shelter for you in the time of any storm in life, says the LORD.

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