Trials and Tests Will Not Destroy You

Your present tests and trials that you are facing will not destroy you but strengthen you, says the LORD. You will know that I Am the one that has sustained you through the darkest nights, the most difficult days, and have been your constant companion through every test of time. I will give you the strength to endure, and you will be stronger, not weaker. You will know that there is nothing that can conquer you, with Me faithfully by your side. You will feel My embrace as I comfort you, and hold you up with My own right hand, says the LORD.

When the storm has ended, you will still be standing, unharmed and untouched, says the LORD. I am keeping you, day and night, and I Am your everlasting strength, your eternal hope, your perpetual peace that passes all understanding, and I AM the One Who will keep you steady on your feet. You will not fail, for I cannot fail, and I am with you to ensure that you will not only make it, but you will be more than a conqueror in ME. You will be fortified in Me as a walled city, and the enemy will not be able to access you. Your faith will be stronger and you will have grown in the grace that I have given you, and you will boast of My faithfulness as I always cause you to triumph in Me, because you have trusted in Me, says the LORD.

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