Trust in Me Completely - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Trust in Me completely, Who knows the end from the beginning, says the Lord. Those things that suddenly come upon you were already in My knowledge. I AM bigger than the difficulties, greater than your enemies, and there is NO POWER that can frighten Me, usurp authority over Me, or stop My power. I will be everything that you need Me to be as you believe that I Am your ULTIMATE SOURCE in all things, at all times, and there is NOTHING that you go through that I have not already been there, says the LORD.

I will make that way of escape for you just as I did the children of Israel when their enemies pursued them, says the LORD. I have NOT changed, and I AM the ageless One. I never grow tired or weary, and My hand is not short concerning you. ENTRUST ME WITH YOUR TOTAL CARE, not just for one thing, but everything. Believe that I Am for you and not against you, and will bring you out of the situations as a victor, and give you everything you need, as you make Me the LORD of EVERYTHING and ALL in your life and for eternity, says the LORD.

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