You Will NOT be a Victim - Prophetic Light Prophecies

You Will NOT be a Victim

What is troubling you, Says the LORD? What ails you? I have given you everything that pertains to life. I have given you everything that is good. I will not allow you to be destroyed by the enemy, and you will not be a victim of his violent attacks against you. You will not lay down on the ground while he walks all over you. I say, ENOUGH!

I have given you great favor and grace and My peace is a gift to you as you dwell on Me and My power that is ever present in every battle that you face. You will ultimately triumph in Me as I give you the necks of the enemies and proclaim you to be the grand champion. Your sorrow will be turned into joy, and I will wipe your tears away and you will laugh out loud and sing My praises, because do all things well for you, says the LORD.

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