Be Content - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Be content, says the LORD. For whatever is troubling you will not remain that way. You may believe that there is no end to the problems that you are facing, but there is. I Am not only your helper, but your comforter. You can have My prevailing peace through the very thick of the storm. Be calm and confident in Me to bring you through, and do not become discontent. Things always change and you will change for the better, too. Things that seem to take its course will not derail you or keep you off course. I will give you the victory, as you trust in Me at all times, says the LORD.

Be appreciative of what you have been given by Me, says the Lord. I have not given you anything that is not good. The bad is not authored by Me, but the enemy. I will help you to withstand the storms of your live and you will become stronger. Your contentment is to be based on My presence in your life, and your knowledge that I Am with you to help you, to provide for you, to protect you, and to secure you always. You are never alone, and I will help you get through ever trial and test as you place your hand in My unfailing, nail-scarred hand, and walk with Me out of very situation, unscathed and unharmed, says the LORD,

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