Don't Allow Yourself to Become Bitter - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Don’t Allow Yourself to Become Bitter

Don’t allow yourself to become bitter against Me because I did not give you what you wanted when you wanted it or let you have your own way, says the LORD. I want you to trust in My ways that are higher than yours. My wisdom and knowledge and understanding go far beyond yours or anyone else that may be advising you. I Am your counselor, and I know what you need, what is best for you and the direction that I want you to go, as I direct your path. I have never withheld anything good from you, and I Am never going to, says the LORD.

Good is My WORD, My Work, My will, My Way and My thoughts that are always greater and higher than yours, says the LORD. Don’t be like an impudent child that will demand his own way even if that will not be right. I want you to trust in My infinite understanding, my immutable love, and My meticulous care for you at all times. Rejoice that I Am with you as your caregiver, and I will never lead you astray, bring you into confusion or withdraw from you. Be thankful that I have daily loaded you with benefits and I have given you the gift of eternal life, because you have believed on My name. Let your confidence in Me be unwavering, and your faith be strong in My continual presence in your life, and My loving-kindness that I embellish you with continually, as My beloved child, says the LORD.

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