Don't Waste Your Time on Regrets - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Don’t Waste Your Time on Regrets

Don’t waste your time on regrets about your past mistakes, says the LORD. I have forgiven everyone of them and forgotten them. Do not dredge them up from the sea of forgetfulness! If I placed them there, LEAVE THEM THERE, and do not spend hours pouring over what could have been, if only you would have done differently. BE DONE with he past failures and give it NO PLACE in you. Make room in your heart and life for the NEW AND THE NOW, and the future success that is in the making, says the LORD.

Plan for success, and believe that I will grant you the desires of your heart, says the LORD. Leave the cemetery, and don’t dig up the things that are dead, decayed and deteriorated. You cannot prosper in what I have prepared for you as long as you dwell among the tombs. Move out of that place of regret, and do not mourn over lost opportunities, because you will then be blinded to the things I have ordained for your life, says the LORD.

It is time to move forward, and dream again, says the LORD. It is time for you to remove the widow’s dark and dreary garments, and put on the garment of praise. I will Revive and restore you and give you a fresh start as I pour life and vitality into you, and renew your strength as you think on Me and the positive, productive, powerful Words that I have spoken. They are spirit and life. Move out of that dreary mindset and rejoice in that which is ahead of you, and you will prosper in all that I have ordained for you, and you will not mourn, but be exceedingly glad, says the LORD.

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