It pleases Me when you endure hardness as a good soldier of the cross, says the LORD. Although the cross that you daily bear as My beloved and highly valued disciple may seem very heavy and difficult at times, Mine was greater. You are never alone, for I Am helping you to bear it. As you have been faithful to Me through the trying of your faith, be assured that your pain touches Me, says the LORD.

I know the sorrow of your heart, and stand alongside to help you, says the LORD. I Am your Comforter. I Am your peace in the midst of your storms of life. I Am the lover of your soul. I Am your Healer, and restorer. You are not alone, for I Am with you always. I Am the One holding you up, and you can confidently lean on Me and trust in My abiding, unchanging love and meticulous care for you, says the LORD.

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