Exciting Things Lie Ahead - Prophetic Light

You are not alone in your struggles, but I am with you to help you through all self-doubt, says the LORD. Do not trust in your own thoughts or self-evaluation, for as I do not want you to be critical of others, neither do I want you to criticize yourself and think you should be like someone else. I have made you to be unique, so you cannot be like another. They cannot be like you. Just be like ME, says the LORD. Copy Me.

Walk in My footsteps that are directly ahead of you and do not think of the past mistakes that you have made, says the LORD. I have forgiven them. Forgive yourself. You need not even go there, for your future is not a repetition of what was, nor will it be what is. Exciting things lie ahead, as you remain faithful and true to Me, even as I am faithful and true to you, says the LORD.

Be patient with yourself and others around you that are assigned to you, says the LORD. Some will be there to walk with you. Others who are contrary will sharpen your resolve to follow Me rather than the negative opinions they have. Enjoy your fellowship and friendship with Me and know that you are not forgotten, not bypassed, not a cast away, and I will use you for my glory as you trust in Me, who does all things well, and I will do them well for you, says the LORD.

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