Favor and Grace - Prophetic Light Prophecies

favorI AM releasing My favor and grace that will be manifest in an outpouring of My blessings upon you as My gift to you, says the LORD. My gifts are without reproach. They are not flawed. I add no sorrow to them. I will not withhold them nor retract them from you. You do not have to beg Me for them, and you cannot buy even one of them. I have set My love upon you and mantled you with My grace. I will give you unexpected favor with Me as well as others as I will open new doors for you that will astound you. TRUST ME NOW,  says the LORD.

Don’t make any space in your thoughts and life for any negative input of others, says the LORD. Shut the door of your mind and refuse to believe in their doomsday theories. They are not your counselors. I AM. Listen to ME, and entertain My Word, as you look unto Me to furnish you unto every good work that I have created you for and called you to do. You will be a perfect, finished work of My hands, by My grace, and My own signature will be upon YOU as I link your name with MINE! Be of good cheer, for favor and grace is what I have ordained for you, and you will not be disappointed, disillusioned, distracted or depressed, but will have clarity of purpose and joy that is unspeakable, filled with My favor, glory and grace, says the LORD.

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