I have released you from bondage and set you free, says the LORD. Stand up and walk in that liberty that I have given you! Come out of that dark place into My marvelous light. Walk FREE from any encumbrances. You are NOT in chains and fetters. Shake them off you, for they cannot bind you or keep you back. The prison doors have been opened. You have the right of passage. Just move forward, and don’t even become tempted to glance back, says the LORD.

I will promote you as you come out from among the naysayers and dissenting voices that are always nagging, mocking, threatening and entrapping, says the LORD. They are not the authority. I AM! Listen to Me and not the ill-spoken advice of others. They cannot see the future, know My mind and purposes for you, and they are not to order your steps or control your life. Be free and walk in the light that I give you your path ahead as you forsake the past and focus on the future that I have authored or you, says the LORD.

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