I Am the Greater One within you, says the LORD. Greater is greater than any other. My love in you is greater than your love. Walk in MY LOVE. Use MY love, for it never fails. It is inexhaustible. Yours will be depleted when abused, stretched and rejected, but MINE is infallible, unchangeable and constant. USE ME! I Am in you, and I will use you for MY glory when you USE ME, the GREATER ONE WITHIN YOU, Who is a constant and not a variable, says the LORD.
My strength in you is greater than your own! Be strong in ME and the power of My might that is IN you, says the LORD. I WILL STRENGTHEN and help and uphold you by MYSELF that is in you, says the LORD. I Am the strength of your heart and your life. Walk in MY STRENGTH as I renew it again and again and again as you wait upon Me and trust in ME rather than yourself or others. I will be your sufficiency in all things at all times and as you WALK in ME and LIVE in ME and MOVE in Me and have your being IN ME. Then you will never ever need anything else, for I WILL ALWAYS completely satisfy you and meet every need that you have, because you put your complete faith and trust in ME to be your everything and all, always, says the LORD.