I Am Your Defense, Covering, Shield, Protector - Prophetic Light Prophecies
God is my protector

I Am Your Defense, Covering, Shield, Protector

God is my protectorI Am your defense, says the LORD. I Am your covering. I Am your shield. I Am your protector. Fear not what the enemy is speaking, for his roar is only a tiny meow compared to Mine. He cannot escape ME, and He is not any threat to Me. I Am on your side to secure you and keep you safe at all times as you place your faith and trust in ME. You need not to look for any other place of refuge, for you can just run to Me, and I will surround you with My love and hold you in My hands. None can access you or pluck you out, says the LORD.

Dream on, says the LORD. For the enemy cannot cause an abortion of what I have conceived in your heart. I Am going to cause My vision that I have placed in you to come forth, a live birthing of your destiny purpose and My highest heart’s desire for you. You will not be a failure to thrive, and your dreams are not grandiose illusions. I have given you positive and powerful and lively hope, and I will fulfill every good purpose that I have prescribed for your life, and you will be able to say, Ha, ha, ha, as you laugh at the lying enemy as I give you good success and ultimate victory, says the LORD.

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