You will invest in what you believe in, says the Lord. That is why I have a vested interest in YOU! I have created you with My own Holy Hands. I have breathed life into you. I have Numbered the hairs on your head and recorded all your parts in My book. I have purchased you and redeemed you by My own shed blood and death on the cross for you. I have placed My Spirit in you and made you My beloved child at a great cost. You are that pearl of great price that I laid down My life for. I have given you My Name, My Word, unspeakable gifts, and eternal life as you have received My free gift of salvation by your faith and trust in Me and My infallible WORD, says the LORD.

I believe in the work of My hands, and you are MY handiwork, says the LORD. Everything that I make is good, and for My pleasure and glory. Your purpose is good. Your outcome will be good, and I know the end from the beginning. I will finish the good work that I have begun in you, and because I do all things well, you too will finish well. TRUST IN ME and invest your life into Me and My eternal kingdom, as I have given everything to you. Your faith and trust in Me will carry you through every season, and your labor for Me and My kingdom will not be vain, empty, unproductive, but will bear fruit that remains and reap eternal rewards, as I fully furnish you for every good work that I have called you to do, says the LORD.

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