I Will Give You More Than Enough!

I own the earth. I own the silver and the gold. I own the cattle on a thousand hills. I own the hills, the valleys, and Am the ONE who controls what I own, says the LORD. Nothing is impossible with Me, and nothing is beyond Me. I will give you everything that you need, grant every desire of your heart, and furnish you unto EVERY GOOD WORK that I have created you to do, and called you to do. I Am the One Who orders your steps, enlightens the path before you, and equips you to do what I command, says the LORD.

Do you think I will send you and not supply your need? I cannot do that, and I will not, says the LORD. Will I commission you to do anything without Me? No, I will not. You will have MORE THAN enough, for My purposes never fail. My plan is PLANNED, and it cannot be defeated. You cannot be defeated as you walk in My will, walk in My plan, walk in the light that I give you, and take the steps that I order for you. They will produce the results that I have ordained, and you will never have to beg Me for substance. TRUST. OBEY. BELIEVE. RECEIVE! For your destiny purpose is not a whim or guess work. I will always supply all your need, as you obey My voice, and you will never lack any good thing as you make Me your choice, and honor Me with your trust, says the LORD.

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