I Will Give You Wisdom - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I will give you the wisdom that you ask Me for so that you will know My will and have direction for your life, says the LORD. I do not want you to walk in confusion. That is the purpose of the enemy. But I will give you counsel understanding so that you will see clearly the way to go. You are not left to make decisions on your own, for I will lead and guide you into all truth. I have infinite wisdom and knowledge and understanding, and as you believe, you will receive precise knowledge and discernment that comes from Me, says the LORD.

Do not second guess your decisions, but obey My still, small, reassuring voice in you, says the LORD. I will prepare a way for you when there is no way. You will not be at a standstill, but there will always be the next step for you. It is plain and simple. RIGHT AHEAD OF YOU is the path, and it is never back tracking or going back and forth. JUST TAKE THE STEPS that I order you, and you will see light on your path. You will feel My Nudge as I prompt you, and you will know that I Am with you as your Counselor, giving you the help that you need to solve any problem that comes your way, and to go FORWARD in the purposes that I have ordained for your life, says the LORD

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