I Will Turn Things Around for You - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Turn Things Around for You

Everything that I do has a purpose, says the LORD. Nothing is done outside of My plan, and everything I do is a good work, says the LORD. I will not do something just because I can. All that I do fits into my perfect will and plan for your life. You do not have to see it to KNOW it. As you view the past and see the outcome of that which you once thought would never make sense, now it does. What is taking place now does not take Me by surprise. I will make good on My Word, and turn things around for you, says the LORD.

Only trust Me, says the LORD. I will take the things that the enemy meant for evil and make it good for you. He wanted to ruin you and destroy you. But I will build you and promote you. He wanted to embarrass you, harass you, humiliate you, and imprison you. But I will deliver you and release you from bondage and give you honor. He wanted to strip you, impoverish you, but I will enrich you as I provide for you better things than what was taken violently away from you. You will live. You will rejoice. You will see the good that I have decreed over you in the land of the living, and you will sing the songs of deliverance and rejoice In My goodness and mercy that will unfold for you, as I make all things NEW for you, says the LORD.

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