Light and Life - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am Light and life in you, says the LORD. Your light cannot be extinguished. It is shining in the darkness all around you, and will make a difference. Others will come to the light and their lives will be greatly impacted by My light in you. As you walk in My light your destiny purpose will become brighter and brighter. You will not stumble and fall, regardless of the pitfalls that the enemy endeavors to entrap you in. They will be exposed, and you will not fall into them, for I will clear the way for you, says the LORD.

I see, I know, and I understand all your struggles, says the LORD. Hold fast to My unfailing hand, trust in My infallible love, and Know that I Am the One that is with you, empowering you, and equipping you to succeed. Nothing can separate you from Me and My abiding love for you. I will strengthen you, fortify you, empower you, and you will not only finish, but you will finish well. I hear your prayers, and I will answer them. You are My beloved child and great will be your reward for your faithfulness, says the LORD.

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