Listen to My GOOD NEWS! - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Resist the bad news that you are hearing, and LISTEN to MY GOOD NEWS, says the LORD. The negative voices that always bring fear and uncertainty are not assigned by Me. I Am not sending them to you. The enemy has, so that you will be depressed, distraught, and confused. Don’t align your thinking with the fearful and the unbelieving, but surround yourself with those who will believe in the GOOD report that comes from Me. The majority may tell you that there is certain defeat, but listen to the voices that speak My Word of faith! Know that My Word is always faith producing, and as you not only hear it, I want you to DO IT, says the LORD.

Put away all fear and doubt and only believe, says the LORD. For I have good things in store for you. I Am with you to give you good success, and you are provisioned and blessed and protected by ME. I will take care of you, and you WILL NOT be defeated, if you refuse to quit. Take hold on My promises and refuse to let them go, regardless of the opinions of the naysayers. I will always have a remnant, and they will never fall into the traps of the enemy, but they will press forward, push the enemy back, claim new territory for My kingdom and they will shout the victory, as they possess their portion of the promised land of blessing, says the LORD.

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