Miracle doors will open for you, says the LORD. They do not even need to exist right now. I will create them. I will open them, and I will make a way for you where none exists, says the LORD. Believe in My supernatural power to do anything and everything that will bring you into the position and promotion that I HAVE ORDAINED FOR YOUR LIFE, says the LORD.

Is anything too hard for me? NOTHING can compare to My power, and I have zero boundaries, zero supervisors, zero counselors, and zero dictators, says the LORD. I Am the Sovereign, and I will not conform to the ideals and ideas of others. I will do NEW THINGS that are unprecedented so that MY power is on display, My authority is uncontested, and My will shall be DONE on earth as it is in heaven. This includes YOUR LIFE and destiny purpose. You are not trapped or stuck. I will create and make all things NEW and devise a way that is astounding for those who will DARE TO BELIEVE that I am unlimited in space and time, and My power and resources are independent of any other, says the LORD.

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