My Inexhaustible Love, Grace and Mercy - Prophetic Light Prophecies

My Inexhaustible Love, Grace and Mercy

You cannot ever exhaust the magnitude of My love, My grace, and My mercy for you, says the LORD. When you seek Me, you WILL FIND ME. I Am not hiding from you. You will not be cast out of My sight. I care about you, and long to have you near to Me. I want you to be blessed, unburdened, healed, revived, renewed, and strengthened in ME. I desire to pour out My blessings upon you, says the LORD.

It is the enemy that desires to alienate you from My presence, says the LORD. He is the one who comes to steal your peace, extract your joy, and convince you that you are unworthy of My love. It is his plan to condemn you so that you believe you cannot approach Me and receive what I have laid up in store for you. He hates you. I love you. He steals. I give. He weakens you. I strengthen you. He ridicules you and wants to destroy you. I Am life, and will restore you, as you come to Me in simple, child-like faith in My love for you. Just ignore the insults of the enemy and rush into My arms of love that are outstretched for you, and receive of My goodness and mercy that I have for you as you place your trust in ME rather than yourself or the malicious lies of the enemy that tears you down. I will build you up, and give you unspeakable joy as you come boldly into My presence, and obtain My love, acceptance, forgiveness, peace, and joy that awaits, says the LORD.

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