MY Perfect Will and Plan - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Always surrender to My perfect will and plan for your life, says the LORD. You could not devise a better purpose than I have prescribed for your life. My higher thoughts and plans for you are superior to your greatest heart’s desire. When you submit to what I have desired for your life, you will be completely content, fulfilled and pleased with what I have authored for you, says the LORD.

Peace will flood your mind and heart as you give me the reins of your life, says the LORD. Trust in the way that I lead, and you will never fret again. My vision is greater than yours. The outcome will be far better than you could ever imagine. What I have in mind for you is always good, always purposeful, always meaningful, always successful, and always productive. You will be shocked with the things I have prepared for you and the doors that I will open for you as you place your confidence in Me and let Me direct you and lead you into your destiny purpose in Me, says the LORD.

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