Revival Fires Will Spread - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I will pour out My Holy Spirit in an unprecedented way, and you will witness a great revival in the land, says the LORD. Just when you thought the enemy was getting the advantage, I will surprise you! There will be a great awakening, and revival fires will spread as I fan them with the winds of My Spirit. They will not be able to be contained, says the LORD.

Those who have cried out for revival will not be disappointed, says the LORD. Miracles, signs, and wonders will be prevalent as I put Myself on display for even the naysayers to witness. They will put their hands over their mouths when My undeniable power is unleashed. I will revive. I will refresh. I will empower. I will heal.  I will deliver. I will restore! I will amaze! I will do great and mighty things and the harvest will be great. Those who have waited for Me will be glad that they did not give up. They will be used for My glory, and they will reap a bountiful harvest of souls for My kingdom as I answer their cries for revival, says the LORD.

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