Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me

Take up your cross and follow Me, says the LORD. It will not lead you to your demise, but rather to your destiny purpose in Me. You will walk in resurrection power and have authority and position in Me as you abandon and deny yourself and acclaim Me as the LORD of your life, and you obey My voice. I AM not a dictator, and you have freedom to choose. CHOOSE LIFE in Me, that will not be destructive, but powerful and purposeful, says the LORD.

I have a better plan than yours, says the LORD. My ways and thoughts are higher. Come up higher and receive the higher things that I will teach you. Your vision is too narrow, and as you ascend into new heights of My glory, you will see what you did not see before. You will hear what you did not know before. You will understand the hidden things that I will reveal to you as My servant child that chooses to follow Me all the way from earth to glory, and I will FILL you with My glory, give you greater grace, and USE you for My glory, because you have decided to completely follow me, says the LORD.


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