You Are Precious to ME - Prophetic Light Prophecies

You are precious to ME, like a pearl of great price, says the LORD. Those who belittle you and condemn you are coming against Me, says the LORD. It becomes a personal assault and attack against Me, because you are part of My body. My Spirit is in you. I have invested Myself and life in you as I laid it down for you. I highly value you as a prized possession, says the LORD.

Plug your ears to the insults and accusations that come straight from the evil heart of the enemy, says the LORD. Don’t entertain those words that put you down, but listen to Mine that will only edify and build you up and comfort you. My love for you is unchanging, unrelenting, infallible and you an depend upon Me to as your faithful friend, your Lord and GOD and lover of your soul, says the LORD.

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